Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bargain Shopper

What a long week. I can't really pinpoint any one thing that's gone wrong. It's just been a tiring, frustrating week that felt like it would never end. But tomorrow's Friday so I'm clinging to that.

I made a trip to Target earlier in the week and found a fabulous ring for $8.

Target's fashion department makes me especially happy. The clothes/shoes/purses/jewelry are reasonably priced, cute, and a great quality. I always get my money's worth, and that's definitely important to me these days.

Since moving into my apartment, I've become a major coupon shopper. My favorite site for downloadable coupons is Coupons.Smartsource. It's easy, and I've found plenty of coupons for products I use. I use to think coupons were just a hassle, but I'm learning to take all the help I can get these days.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Some food for thought...

If only my life were like 'Law and Order' or at least 'Legally Blonde'. Yes, I'd love to have my own Elle Woods moment, cute outfits and all. But unfortunately the real lawyer world is nothing like it is on TV. Go figure. 

For those of you who don't know, I'm a practicing criminal defense attorney. My life consists of visits to the county jail, docket calls, pleas, and numerous other not-so glamorous appointments. It's exhausting and draining, and yet I love it. I'm more than aware of what people think of criminal defense attorneys. When people ask what area of the law I practice in, my answer is almost always followed by a big 'oh' from the person asking. 

Unfortunately for me, people have an unfair perception of defense attorneys. The defense attorneys that I know are good, honest, hard-working people, people you'd want on your side should you run into any trouble. They're the only people who stand between you, your loved ones, your friends, your co-workers, your neighbors and jail. 

The people I represent might not always be the smartest, most educated, clean-cut people around (I don't get to choose my clients), but they deserve a fair shot in court because next time it could be you in the courtroom, unjustly accused and scared out of your mind. It could be you that people are whispering about and condemning before a trial begins. It could be you that people are attacking and belittling without knowing all the facts. It could be you that only wants a fair deal and a chance at proving your innocence. Next time think about that before you attack the defense attorney you see on TV or read about in a newspaper. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday blah

It's one of those dreary, blah days. My weekend plans got all mixed up, but that's alright. This afternoon I'll be hanging curtains and pictures and unpacking more boxes. Fun, fun, fun. I'm getting settled in, but it takes time. I get home from work, and I'm too exhausted to move things around but I'll find time.

Hopefully a trip to Bed, Bath, and Beyond is also in my future this afternoon. I need wineglasses, a wall clock for my living room, coasters, and a few other things. At least I have a gift card leftover from Christmas. You'd think this baby lawyer had all kinds of money to shell out, but that is sadly not the case. The main word controlling my life right now is 'budget'.

Oh well, I should get off the couch and ready for my oh so 'exciting' afternoon. Maybe I'll have pics to post later.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Will Friday ever get here?

So my week is really dragging. Could be that I'm exhausted and drained from moving and having trouble sleeping in my new place (strange noises, a huge dog running upstairs late at night, and my upstairs neighbors running their washer and dryer at all hours of the night right above my bedroom). 

I'm looking forward to my first weekend in my apartment. I'd like to finish unpacking, hang up all my pictures and my curtains, and really get settled in. The place doesn't feel quite like home yet, but I'm getting there. 

The next big purchase I need to make is bookshelves and lots of them. I have tons and tons of books (many of them free from publishers and giveaways) and no where to put them. I could sell some, but I hate to sell books. I'm the kind of reader who actually will read the same book a couple of times if I like it (and sometimes even if I didn't) so I hate to give them away, but maybe I will so I can clear out some space for some new favorites.

Speaking of books, I'm always looking for new books to read so feel free to leave me your book recommendations as comments to any post.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Never moving again...

Moving is exhausting. I knew that, but I'd forgotten just how exhausting it can be. But I'm moved and in the process of settling in. As soon as I get some more boxes unpacked, I'll post some pics.

It was so nice having as much help as I did moving from my mom. Between work and stress, I couldn't have done it without her.

Once I get all settled in, I'm thinking about hosting a jewelry party at my place. My aunt sells Lia Sophia jewelry, and I think it'd be a lot of fun.

Can you tell I'm excited about my new place? Cause I definitely am.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Something besides moving.

Tomorrow begins my big move. I have my list of things to accomplish tomorrow, and the rest will have to be done Monday with the movers. I'm lucky to have my mom helping me with the move. That takes a little stress off of me. 

But let's talk about something besides moving. I'm sure you're sick of hearing about that by now, and there will be plenty of talk about it in the next few days. 

I love to shop. I do. I can't help it. I especially love to "window" shop online. My Amazon wish list is ridiculously long (all books that I'd like to read/own). Law school put a damper on my love of shopping (as has the economy), but that's alright. Sometimes it's more fun to look than actually spend the money. 

Without a doubt, my favorite store is Target. I love their clothes, and I'm always finding a good deal on something cute there. Their jewelry is terrific, and I absolutely love their purses. I can always find something I love there. 

I'm not as materialistic as I might sound. I know that money can't buy you happiness (though it doesn't hurt), and I value my friends and family above all else. But I love to shop. What's wrong with that?

Occasionally (and maybe more than occasionally), I'll post things I'm dying to own. In fact, I'll leave you with one of those things today. 

Happy Friday, everyone! Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's all coming together...

So it looks like I'm taking possession of my apartment Saturday and moving everything in on Monday. The moving companies I received quotes from were all cheaper on weekdays, and I have no court on Monday so Monday it is. I hate to spend the money for movers, but I guess it's worth it. This is really happening! It's becoming more real every day. I'm nervous, anxious, stressed, excited. I'm a little bit of everything right now. 

I decided to go ahead and set up my Housewarming Registry on Bed, Bath, and Beyond's website. Why not? Here's the link in case any of you lovely people are interested.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A little wishing?

Organizing a move is such a pain in the neck, especially on short notice. From the time I was approved for my new, beautiful apartment, I've had less than a week to get everything packed up, apartment services all set up, and the actual move scheduled. It's quite daunting, but I know I'll make it. My first "big girl" apartment is definitely worth all the stress and exhaustion. And yes, there will be plenty of pictures to come. 

I want to set up a housewarming registry/wish list on Bed, Bath, and Beyond, but I'm not sure. Maybe I should just for fun? 

I already have most of the things I need (including the majority of my furniture), but I'm still looking for some cute ways to decorate. 

I found this at Target for $9 for my kitchen. I wanted a chalkboard, but this works too. 

I really need to get all moved in before I buy any more. Maybe I'll just go work on that wish list.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Saturday I will be moving into my first adult apartment, which is extremely different from your first college apartment. Your first adult apartment is all you. Your decorating, your decisions, your sanctuary, your responsibility. My parents paid for my college apartments so this is the first time I'm all on my own. 

I found a great apartment five minutes from work. Saving money on gas was a big plus for me when I found this complex. The rent isn't bad at all, and the apartment is quite spacious. I'm definitely exciting. 

But like I said, I'm moving Saturday, and I was just approved today so the pressure is on. I have to pack, find movers, switch the electricity over to my name, set up cable and internet, etc. It's going to be a crazy week, but it's absolutely worth it.